
Cardiff half marathon

Physical Challenge

£318 of £300





Days left

I am running the Cardiff half marathon, as most that know me I'm not the fittest - at the moment that is! I'm doing this for this fantastic cause close to my heart as I work for Dimensions Cymru which is a not-for-profit organisation supporting people with learning disabilities, autism, behaviours of distress and those with complex health needs.

Gig Buddies Cymru matches people with a learning disability with someone without a learning disability who shares the same interests, so they can go to gigs and events together. Gig Buddy partnerships get together to have fun at loads of different events and activities like wrestling matches, concerts, football matches and more.  


Learning Disability Wales

Caerdydd | Disability

Learning Disability Wales Logo

£1.99k raised from 1 page

Gig Buddies Cymru

£1.99k raised since September 2019