
Help a child come to terms with a significant loss





Team Fundraisers

I am boxing in the CRN event on 19th May. I have never boxed in my life, so I am going through a 12 week supported program to get me ready for this fight. My opponent is 10kg heavier than me so please wish me luck and donate what ever you can afford to spare please :)

Why this charity?

When I was 18 I lost my role model (Dad) suddenly to Pneumonia. It was completely out of the blue and it turned my life upside down. Fortunately I was old enough to come to terms with things and my saving grace was university (something to put all of my effort into). However my younger siblings weren't so lucky. With the youngest aged just 8 when he died, they had it real tough. Coming to terms with normal changes a child goes through, then adding such a traumatic loss lead them astray. Thankfully the charity Touchstones was around to help them cope through such a difficult time, allowing them to access counselling service, introducing them to other children in a similar situation and being that shoulder to cry on.

5% of children lose a parent before the age of 16. Such a tragic loss can have a devastating effect on that child's life, not just in the aftermath but for the remainder of that child's life. Its so important that given all adversity, a child is given hope of living a normal life. With the right support, this is possible. If you could spare anything you can, it would be massively appreciated by all. It would allow more children to get access to these services that have already steered so many children back onto the correct path.

Thank you in advance for your support!

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Touchstones Child Bereavement Support

Alcester | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring