
Climbing Tatra Mountains for the Principle Trust

Physical Challenge

£615 of £300





Days left

Starting Sunday 27th of August  Peter and I are embarking on an ambitious journey through the Tatra Mountains in Poland and Slovakia. Our plan is to conquer several hills: in a week time:

Giewont 1894m
Nosal 1206m
Kasprowy Wierch 1985m
Gubalowka 1126m
Czarny Staw 1583m
Świnica 2301m
Gęsia Szyja 1489m
Kościelec 2155m
Rysy 2503m

weather permitting (hopefully no storms), over a distance of 150.6km (93 miles) with a total ascent of 8.9km (29396 feet), including the challenging Rysy peak. Rysy is the highest and quite tough mountain in Poland, involves 8-10 hours of trekking, technical skills, and facing exposure. Despite the challenges of waking up at 5am every day and possibly relying on painkillers, we're committed to this endeavor.
Your support, whether a pound or a fiver, for the Principle Trust would mean a lot. It would help us stay focused and motivated to achieve the plan. Most importantly, it would also aid in raising more funds and making a significant difference in the lives of kids who've never experienced simple holidays.   


The Principle Trust Children's Charity

Skipton | Health & Wellbeing

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