
Archie & Lucas shave Tom's head 4 Erase Meso





Team Fundraisers

These are strange times but looking in the mirror this week I realised that action was needed and I thought it was a good chance to do something that would be a huge benefit to a cause very close to our family's heart.
I am lucky as compared to many contemporaries I still have a full head of hair, so I am asking people to sponsor Archie (14) and Lucas (9) to shave my head.
But I am also lucky because two years ago a very close friend Paul Cook was told he had months to live due to a diagnosis for terminal Mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) which kills 5000 a year in the UK - we have the highest incidence of this cancer currently in the world. Yet there is no funding for research.
Despite this crushing blow Paul refused to accept being told he had under 12 months to live and is currently in remission after an astonishingly brutal course of treatment. He and his amazing wife Jill set up EraseMeso to fund research and ultimately identify a cure for this dreadful disease.
It is also very personal because unbelievably Paul led a team of cyclists from Lands End to John O'Groats last year and I got injured training for the ride. This is clearly easy by comparison but genuinely every pound raised makes an enormous difference to a charity run exclusively by volunteers.
Erase Meso, is dedicated to;
1. Raising funds for asbestos cancer research
2. Raising awareness of mesothelioma
3. Providing hope for mesothelioma sufferers
Despite being banned in the UK in 1999, asbestos can still be found in many homes, schools, and hospitals. Many of these buildings were built in the second half of the last century when we were at the peak of importing asbestos into the country. A recent BBC inquiry found that nine out of 10 NHS hospitals still contain asbestos...and it is still present in over 50% of UK homes.
We realise that it is a difficult time both financially and socially but any amount you can spare will genuinely make a huge impact. 
Thank you,
Archie, Lucas, Sarah and Tom 



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Erase Meso

London | Health & Wellbeing