

£3.06k of £5k





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SCCYC Food Aid

SCCYC has been providing a Food Aid service to approximately 250 people in the town. Our clients consist of individuals and families living in poverty and face multiple complex issues such as mental and physical health conditions, abuse and migration challeges.  We also provide hot meals to the rough sleepers in the town and emergency supplies at time of crisis.

We provide needs led support of food and vital resources. We also provide Winter support such as  sleeping bags, woolies and warm hub wllbeing cafe. Our staff ad volunteers provide befriending, informaiton, guidance and referrals. 
How you can help
We desperately need your support to continue the vital support service.  We need donations of food, resources and monetary donations so that we can purchase vital food as and when needed for those most in need in the town.

How the funding will be spent                                                                                                                      The funding will be spent on purchasing dry, fresh and hot food for breakfast, lunch, dinner; essential resources such as sleeping bags and shoes etc for the rough sleepers; vital hygiene products and toiletries such soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes for individuals and families living in poverty.  Our volunteers also help community members that suffer from issues such as physical and mental health, lone parents, elderly, and students. The funds will also be used to reimburse our amazing volunteers, so they are not out of pocket with provision of travel expenses.

How this will benefit the community                                                                                                          Your donations will help us maintain our food aid service to 250 clients that are reliant on us every week.  This is more than just a food aid service, our volunteers support people with befriending, referrals, advocacy, volunteering towards social connection, and help build confidence and skills with the aim to make everyone independent post Covid.          

T H A N K    Y O U! 

Sikh Community Centre and Youth Club (SCCYC) Logo

Sikh Community Centre and Youth Club (SCCYC)

Northampton | Community Support & Development

What your gift could provide


Provide a family with an emergency food box for 1 month


Provide hot meals for 100 people living in poverty each week


Vital resources: sleeping bags, hygiene products per month