This year has undoubtedly been difficult for everybody, but the staff at the drop in centre have worked tirelessly to try and keep services available for their users who are some of the most marinalised and vulnerable in society at the best of times, let alone during a global pandemic.
Access to healthcare, homework support for children and food bank support and facilitation are only some of the ways in which the drop in centre helps serve the asylum seeker and refugee community to Streatham. Through the support of local charities who have helped source laptops and mobile phones for the users, a considerable number are able to continue to participate in an online homework club held over Zoom.
One thing that cannot be held over Zoom however is the annual Christmas party and present giving that has been running for the last 6 years.
In a normal year, the children who attend the drop in centre are invited to a Christmas party with food and music and games and importantly, they all receive a Christmas present.
This year things have to be a little different but we do not want the children to go without a Christmas gift and therefore we are raising money online to buy them gifts which will be delivered to them before Christmas.
Please give generously to this very worthy cause.