What are we doing? Volunteers, staff and service users are coming together to raise money for Telford After Care Team. We will be doing a 24hr sponsored walk up and down the Wrekin starting 9:00 Saturday 1st March, and finishing 9:00 Sunday 2nd March. Funds will be used to aid us in carrying on our fight against addiction and poor mental health, as we believe no one should face these battles alone.
Who are we doing it for? Telford After Care Team, at TACT we are experts by experience. Providing an open door to people in recovery from addiction and suffering poor mental well being. TACT achieves this through: peer led support, group support, volunteering opportunities and training and education. Allowing people who were once forgotten about, to rediscover life and be the best version of themselves.
3 one-to-one support sessions for addiction and poor mental health
someone facing homelessness with warm food and drinks for a week
5 sessions of talking therapy with a trained counsellor