We strongly believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support to fulfil their potential. TMDF is passionate about helping schools, young people and their families and if you feel the same way, please support our Breakfast Box Project!
Eating a healthy breakfast before the start of a school day is linked to increased energy throughout the morning, improved concentration and better test scores, a healthier body weight and higher intake of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
The Breakfast Box Project provides schools with monthly supplies of nutritious breakfast items such as dried fruit, snack bars, fruit juices. These items are small enough to be kept in the classroom and discreetly given out to those children who missed breakfast at home.
Each of these Breakfast Boxes costs £20.00 and contains enough items to cater the needs of a two form entry school for one month.
If you can help us to support schools in creating a healthier and happier environment for learning sponsor a Breakfast Box!
We cannot thank you enough for your generosity!