
Cardiac Arrested: Winter Wolfrun - Cops Redditch

Physical Challenge

£1.76k of £2k





Days left

Sudden Arrythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) is when someone dies suddenly following a cardiac arrest and no obvious cause can be found.

For any parent to lose a child is heartbreaking, but to lose THREE children to SADS is unimaginable. This is the story of Maggie and Robert.

Their daughter Charlotte, suddenly died in December 2010 from SADS after being found motionless in bed by her siblings. This was an extremely upsetting time for all of the family.

Whilst still grieving from Charlotte, son Craig also lost his life after returning home from college. His death, despite being regularly screened, was linked to SADS. In memory of Charlotte and Craig, Maggie and Rob started the "Saving Hearts Foundation".

In January 2018 the unimaginable happened. Maggie and Robert lost their 3rd child, Carrick. Again linked to SADS.

Having immediate access to a defibrillator can dramtically increase a persons chance of survival during cardiac arrest. The machines are simple to use and can be used by anyone!

Maggie and Robert have worked tirelessly creating their charity "Charlotte and Craigs Saving Hearts Foundation". They have provided every school in their home town with a defibrillator. They also ensure each one is maintained. The charity also offers training, education and advice for their local community.

The aim of the charity is to provide as many defibrillators as possible in the local community where there is large foot fall, including parks and residential streets.

Police officers from Team C at Redditch understand the values of a defib, having dealt with many medical emergencies throughout the years. Officers want to support the charity, and their local community, by raising as much money as possible to provide more life saving equipment. 
With a range of fitness levels, they will come together as a team to complete the gruelling 10k winter obstacle course. Battling icy cold lakes, muddy swamps, and high obstacles, this will be no easy task!


Charlotte & Craig Saving Hearts Foundation

Redditch | Health & Wellbeing

Charlotte & Craig Saving Hearts Foundation Logo

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