
Active Youth matters






Team Fundraisers

We will work directly with children and young people from London, teaching them how to sail/canoe, give them access to boats/canoeing, help them to advance to the various RYA stages and provide them with opportunities to compete with each other. Alongside sailing and canoeing, WYM will also generate high quality volunteering opportunities for local children and young people. including maintaining the boats and compound.

Why they need our service

Youth Services in South East London and especially in Southwark have been cut by 25%. At the same time, youth violence rates have gown up. Using the underlying values of restorative justice (such as power sharing, involvement in decision making, equality and dialogue), WYM will create a safe space and new opportunities for young people to work together as equals, breaking down stereotypes.

Plan and expected results

Through shared learning and by sailing/canoeing, we anticipate multiple outcomes for all participants: (a) a boost in their confidence and self-awareness, (b), an increase in trust between all participants, and (c), the ability to sail, progress to different RYA levels, and receive accredited learning on project management and safety.


RJ4All (Restorative Justice for All)

London | Human Rights

RJ4All (Restorative Justice for All) Logo

£0 raised from 4 pages

RJ4ALL Youth Clubs

£0 raised since June 2022

RJ4ALL Food bank

£0 raised since June 2022

Sailing to Cohesion

£0 raised since September 2020

FRED's "You are not Alone!" Covid-19 Campaign

£0 raised since April 2020