
Daffodils Dreams - Wigan 10k 2021

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

💛Daffodils Dreams are proud to have 11 individuals running in this years Wigan 10k to raise funds for our vital work.🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏁🏆

Adele Dolman
Jade Betley
Wendy Fishwick
Matthew Unsworth
Paul Bateman
Tom Bateman
Dave King
Matt Threlwall
Robert Foster
David Ashton

Quotes from runners

Adele Dolman
- I decided to run for Daffodils Dreams after seeing the amazing work they did for local children in need. They really make a huge difference to every family involved and I thought by running the 10k I could be part of their fundraising efforts.

Jade BetleyI’ve wanted to raise money for a local charity for a long time and seeing the work Daffodil Dreams does, I was so impressed and knew I needed to support them. Helping children in need is so important as it will help to give them a better start in life.

Paul Bateman – Proud to call founder Maureen, family! Much needed work and support being given to local families of Wigan.

Dave KingI want to support Daffodils Dreams so that they can continue providing “Positive Life Experiences” for children and their families. Experiences, that most children take for granted.

Daffodils Dreams are passionate about improving the lives of children and families living in poverty, through engaging and connecting communities that have, with communities that need.

We provide “Positive Life Experiences” (PLE’s) to children and families identified to us through our referral process. A PLE can be having clothes that fit, bedding, toiletries, receiving birthday/Christmas presents, visits to the barbers/hairdressers, having fun at an activity centre and so many other things that a lot of children experience daily. 

The funds raised will help us run 3 of our new projects. Our ‘Chill, Chat & Shop’, ‘Mindfullness, Chill & Chat’ and our ‘Children’s FREE Shopping Experiences’.

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Daffodils Dreams

Wigan and Leigh | Community Support & Development

Charity Daffodils Dreams aids kids to thrive regardless of background.