
Ailith's Long Triathlon - Keswick Festival!!

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Five years ago I was in the middle of my 6 hour labour at home with Kevin, my husband, my Mum and two midwives... at 12.39am our beautiful daughter Thalia was born after an amazing home delivery. I remember holding her in my arms; in awe of this tiny, perfect life... After a while I ventured to say what I had been thinking from the moment I saw Thalia, 'I think she has Down Syndrome'... There were lots of 'ummms' and 'maybes', the midwives checked for physical signs; a larger gap between the big and second toe, just one crease across the palm of her hand... her eyes and her face told me all I needed to know... we were transferred to hospital for diagnostic blood tests and to check Thalia's heart. Lying on the hospital ward at 5am I was wide awake... desperately excited to get to know our new daughter, determined that we would give her all the love, care and support that she would need... and worrying about what the future would bring for her. Kevin texted our friends and family, he explained that it was likely that Thalia had Down syndrome, what he wrote was just right... 'Thalia Skye was born on 17th February at 12.39am, we celebrate her arrival into our family and treasure her for who she is and who she will become'. Thalia has changed our lives just as any other child; she brings us joy, worries, frustrations, amazement ... and most of all inspiration! Without Thalia I wouldn't have been one of a group of parents who set up Sunshine and Smiles, so in honour of Thalia, and all the other amazing people I am privileged to know, this is my fundraising challenge for 2015!! On 16th May I will be swimming 800m in Derwentwater, cycling 35km up and down Honister and Newlands pass and finishing with a 10km trail run climbing 1,098 feet to the summit of Latrigg to complete the Long triathlon at Keswick Mountain Festival. Please give generously as it will make a huge difference! 'I wouldn't change you for the world, but I wish I could change the world for you...'
Sunshine & Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network Logo

Sunshine & Smiles - Leeds Down Syndrome Network

LEEDS | Social Welfare