Hello ladies and gents,
I'm running the bath half marathon again in a few weeks to raise money for Integrate UK. http://integrateuk.org/
Integrate is a youth led charity that works towards equality, respect and social cohesion. The young activists are creative and outspoken, campaigning and raising awareness about some of the most challenging issues such as female genital mutilation (FGM), radicalisation and right wing extremism. They deliver peer education in schools and train front line professionals, reaching 6,000 people directly every year. Their most recent music video, #MyClitoris, had an amazing 1 million hits in the first two months!
FGM is a serious human rights issue not just abroad but increasingly in the UK. In the first ever annual statistical publication on FGM, the NHS reported that England had 5,700 newly recorded cases of the practice between 2015 and 2016.
Among Integrate’s successes is the campaign – led by the remarkable 19-year-old activist Fahma Mohamed – that convinced Michael Gove to write to every school in the UK about the dangers of FGM.
The charity's next goal is to raise awareness of – and hopefully combat – honour crimes of which there were 11,000 cases of this recorded in the UK between 2010 and 2014.
Honour crimes are are acts of vengeance, often death, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family. A great documentary called 'honor diaries' on Netflix explains the issue.
Integrate UK are a small charity who have only just launched nationally (previously Integrate Bristol) - so are particularly in need of donations at this point in time to allow the young people to travel to schools and deliver workshops.
Please donate :)