Hi I’m Annabelle and I’m 15 years old. My little sister Brielle (a miracle preemie baby) has been going to Angel Eyes for a few years and loves interacting with other kids and playing all sorts of instruments at their classes. Angel Eyes is a charity which helps children with visual impairments and their families giving them support and hosting various classes throughout the year.
Over lockdown Angel Eyes sent packages to the kids so they could have something fun to do and they could see some friendly faces on Zoom. Brielle has also enjoyed 1:1 musical sessions over Zoom but we are now looking forward to finally meeting again in person in a couple weeks!!
I volunteer with Angel Eyes as part of my Duke of Edinburgh award and have really enjoyed being involved with this amazing charity. I’m very excited (and a teeny bit nervous!) to go abseiling down the side of the Europa Hotel in a few weeks time!
Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading 💕