
Harbour's midnight walk on Wiltshire's Ridgeway

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

This page began as a modest effort to raise £200. It was our first foray into online fundraising. The night before, we still hadn't raised any money. Absolutely nada. So I emailed family asking for their support, put the link on Facebook. And then something extraordinary happened. People began to give: people we knew, people we didn't; people who cared about Harbour as much as we do. To say it was humbling is an understatement. We thought we'd be lucky to meet our target of £200. Now we're in the running for a national fundraising competition! We've learned lots along the way. First off, whilst this page is named after Adam and my efforts, it represents all nine of us who walked for Harbour on that wet and windy June night. June you say? Felt more like winter! It's for Arezou and Donya, two beautiful Iranians, woefully ill-prepared for the 'English' weather, who didn't stop giggling the whole way through. It's for Shaheen, who'd never walked more than a few miles before (it was over 20). For Mohan and Patronella, who made it look like a walk in the park. For Nina and Tom, veterans of these kind of events, who took it, literally, in their stride. But ultimately it's for Harbour's visitors: refugees and asylum seekers who have left everything to start a new life in the UK. As you can imagine, it's not easy. Contrary to popular opinion, asylum seekers are not entitled to UK benefits; nor are they allowed to work. It's hard to prove that you are fleeing persecution. If successful, you then have the challenge of restarting your life. In a foreign country. Far from friends and family. And that's where Harbour comes in - a home from home where people find support and friends. But money is tight; statutory funding doesn't cover the Drop-in, let alone services so crucial to settling in, like free English classes or help with a solicitor. That's why your donation matters so much. Please give if you can - and don't forget to share the Harbour love! Thank you.
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The Harbour Project

Swindon | Human Rights