
SmartMove Sleep Out 2017

Non-sporting challenge




Team Fundraisers

I am doing this event for the third year now. It's a fantastic experience and one that raises money through sponsorship for Calderdale SmartMove who provide housing, support and education for homeless and vulnerable people from across Calderdale. SmartMove have to raise £170,000 each year to be able to provide all of the services they do, this will soon increase by 40% as from October 2017 they will be supporting two new client groups which are: 1. People with a mid-level mental health problem including those leaving local government care. 2. People with a diagnosis of autism. This will increase the number of people being supported to around 570 individuals and families each year. Any donation you can make is extremely helpful.
Calderdale SmartMove Logo

Calderdale SmartMove

HALIFAX | Housing / Homelessness