October 18th is UK Anti-Slavery Day. Join millions of students, workers, and ordinary people across the country and take action to end slavery. Documentary 'The Hunt for Britain's Sex Traffickers' Hall2, Colston Hall Tickets £2 Post-film Q&A Panel: Amelia Hann, Executive Series Producer and Film Director Detective Inspector Sue Bradshaw, Sex & Dangerous Offenders Unit Yvonne Shell, Chartered Clinical & Forensic Psychologist Ian Caren, Director of 'The Change Course'
Why they need our serviceTo raise awareness of human trafficking on UK Anti-Trafficking Day. A volunteer-led, grassroots initiative that brings together citizens and policy makers to make British communities hostile environments for traffickers and safe places for potential and actual trafficked victims.
Plan and expected results1) empower the general public and front-line workers to recognise the signs of human trafficking, 2) encourage active engagement in tackling the threat of trafficking, 3) break down cultural barriers and address negative images of immigration and migrants to encourage more cohesive communities.