Be part of our Black History - Back 2 School!
An opportunity to reminisce about your own experience of school, from your native country or the UK.
Enjoy shared stories, cultural sayings, entertainment, joy, and laughter from our Special Guests & each other at this special
Not 2B Missed – Back 2 School BHM Experience!
- Late attendance will be noted.
- No running in the corridor✋
- Line up nicely outside your classroom.
- Please brush and comb your hair.
- There will be a School uniform check.
- All skirts must be 2 inches below your knees.
- Note to all especially the male students - NO TIGHT LEG TROUSER
- You will be punished for tardiness.
- Book bags will be checked, and should include writing materials
- Please bring a snack for break time and an apple for your teacher to share.