
We're Running to Support Bath Gateway Out & About

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

On Sunday 15th October I'll be running alongside my husband (Rob) and my brother-in-law (also Rob) in the Bath Half Marathon.

We're raising funds for Bath Gateway Out and About - an organisation that achieves incredible things on with extremely limited resources. They empower their members to enhance independence, and improve their health through fitness activities. Perhaps the most important part of their role is how they make friendships possible, as without the club, many members scarcely venture beyond their homes each week, missing out on the chance to connect with friends. 

Please rally behind this important cause. And we'll focus on trying to cross the finish line! :)
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Bath Gateway Out and About

Bath | Disability

Bath Gateway Out And About supports adults with learning disabilities in social activities, fostering community inclusion and combating loneliness.