
The Dewsbury Big sleepout





Team Fundraisers

James sleeping rough; please sponsor me.Hi everyone, I will be joining my friend David Fawcett – CEO of Happydays - for one night (he is doing 5 nights) of sleeping rough in Dewsbury to raise money for his fantastic charity Happydays that works to help people to get off the streets and into homes whilst being rehabilitated from the various situations they find themselves in.Happydays UK offers intensively supported accommodation in Calderdale and Kirklees for 35 existing residents and 68 move on residents. Happydays wants to expand into Dewsbury during 2022 opening as many residential spaces as needed.The Happydays charity wants to end homelessness in the UK but this fundraiser is specifically created to help the homeless in Dewsbury, to find a way off the streets forever, so they can rebuild their foundations in order to begin to live again. 
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Happydays Ministries UK Logo

Happydays Ministries UK

Sowerby Bridge | Housing / Homelessness