Hello everyone,
My name is Benedict Furness and I am raising money to start-up an ethical
clothing enterprise to reduce consumer waste and benefit the
local community in Frome.
I will be joining Edventure (www.edventurefrome.org) as a student this September, for the next 10 weeks I will be working with a diverse range of like-minded individuals from a variety of backgrounds, to set up a clothing swap shop; think, charity shop meets local library.
The aim of this project is to establish a practical, ethical, fun and affordable way for the people of Frome to break dependence on chain retailers selling poor quality clothing that all too often end up in bins.
As many of you may know, I consider my duty to lie in the establishment of my own non-profit, humanitarian organisation in the developing world, working with local underprivileged or marginalised communities to help improve the lives of those around them. Over the last few years I have been progressing down this path by means of international volunteering and higher education; now comes the time to put what I have learnt into action, in the establishment of a grass-roots community enterprise that will not only be of benefit to those living in and around Frome, but which will teach me valuable lessons that will one day go on to help people all over the world.
Anyone who has started a business will know that in order to make money, you have to spend money. Now whilst the purpose this enterprise is to enact social change, the premise remains very much the same.
At the time of writing this, I have 4 weeks to raise £500, which will go directly into funding this community enterprise. By helping me to reach my fundraising target, you will not only be helping us to start up this ethical fashion project but you will also be supporting me establish my own non-profit, humanitarian organisation, further down the line.
Please follow my social media for updates regarding my fundraising activities.