
Bernie's absolutely fabulous abseil

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

As many of you who know me are well aware, heights are not my favourite thing yet, in a moment of rash foolhardiness, I have agreed to take myself to the top of a cliff and then lower myself over the edge to abseil down - probably very slowly and amid much whimpering. All this to raise money for Bath Welcomes Refugees. I am still waiting for someone to talk me out of this... No? On the basis that nobody will try (does nobody love me?) I am imploring you all to consider donating to our cause. I hope to survive the experience with mind and body intact so that I can thank you all personally for your generosity and support. Forgive my waffling but just the thought of this little escapade has my brain all a-twitter. However I can reliably inform you that all the funds raised by myself and a few other foolhardy persons will mean that Bath Welcomes Refugees will be several steps closer to bringing another refugee family to Bath under the Community Sponsorship, a scheme recently introduced by the government.
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Bath Welcomes Refugees

Bath | Social Welfare