
Help us be there!




Team Fundraisers

Families in Grief (FiG) is a local childhood bereavement charity.  We support families in North Devon and Torridge who have experienced the death of a loved one.

We are delighted that Affinity Devon has chosen us to be their lead charity partner for 2024!

Grief is something we will all know in our life times and is a natural response to loss. But if you are a child or young person, and someone you love has died, it is like being pushed out to sea in a rudderless boat.  Feelings can be confusing and overwhelming. 

This is where Families in Grief (FiG) can help - to support children, young people and their parents/cares to process their feelings and begin to move forward together within their grief.  

Let's do more in 2024...
We believe that every grieving family has the right to access free, fully inclusive bereavement support. But we need your help to continue to meet the increasing need for our services.

Your donation will mean we can continue to listen to parents over the phone and give advice where needed, run group support and one-to-one programmes for bereaved children and young people, and provide specialist training for parents, schools and professionals. 
Any support you can give to help us be there for local families at a really vulnerable time would be so appreciated. Thank you!

For details of our work please visit www.familiesingrief.org

charity media
Families in Grief (FiG) Logo

Families in Grief (FiG)

Barnstaple | Community Support & Development

Supporting children, young people, and families facing bereavement in North Devon.

What your gift could provide


could pay for materials for a grieving child to create a Memory Box


could pay for a supportive phone call with a worried parent or carer


could fund a visit to the home of a bereaved family

£588.75 raised from 2 pages

Barney to the Beach 14k

£588.75 raised since May 2024

Sodexo’s bake sale

£0 raised since May 2024