Dabke Youth Dance Visit 27th June 2018 to 8th July 2018
Hi, my name is Alex. I am volunteering for ORFA since March 2017.
To support my charity me and other member joined the Palestinian Marathon and completed the 10k run - thanks to your generous support we were able to raise £309. We are very grateful to everyone who donated.
The final event, the visit of Dabke Dancers in Oxford, is happening in June - which means we still have time to raise more.
Support me to bring to Oxford one person from group of 12
Each penny matters!
Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association (ORFA) is a charity which builds links between civil society groups and individuals in Oxford, UK and Ramallah, Palestine. ORFA started in 2003 and became a charity in 2014.
Project outline:
Our aim is to share the cultural experience of life in Palestine with other young people and dance audiences and dancers in Oxfordshire. The visit will provide an opportunity for young Palestinian refugees to show their creativity and hard work to UK audiences.
Who will come: Six young female dancers (aged 13 years to 20 years) one young male dancer who helps with some of the training and the dance teacher and choreographer. We will also welcome manager of the group and four volunteers from both the Child Centre and Women’s Centre based in Al Amari refugee camp near to Ramallah, making a total of 12.
Why £1000 ?
Costs per person:
- Flights from Amman, Jordan Approx. £630 (including all taxes)
- Visa £95
- Travel from Ramallah to Allenby Bridge and overnight stay in Amman (plus same on return journey) £150
- Food when out, travel (incl. from airport), visits whilst in UK per day £20 x 12 = £240
Total approx. cost per visitor: £1,115-00p
- Accommodation free by the support of ORFA members and partners.