
London Mini Marathon 2021

Physical Challenge

£2.69k of £1k





Days left

Bidborough School PTA are raising money for the new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), bringing a much needed all weather surface to Bidborough in 2022. 

The Mini London Marathon in Schools provides an opportunity to bring to life the ‘be the best you can be’ ethos, celebrated in our school during the Olympics.  The children will be part of the world's greatest marathon, joining schools up and down the country to run, jog or walk 2.6 miles. The whole school will be set the challenge over the week of the 4th October, with the opportunity for spectators to cheer the children over the finish line on Friday the 8th October.  

If you wish to sponsor the children to complete this challenge the PTA are very grateful for any amount that can be raised.


Bidborough Primary School PTA

Tunbridge Wells

Bidborough Primary School PTA Logo

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