
The Big Shettleston Sleepover

Non-sporting challenge

£1.55k of £1.5k





Team Fundraisers

THE BIG SHETTLESTON SLEEPOVER at the Community Garden in Ardgay Street, Shettleston on Friday 20th March Keep warm in winter: About our campaign According to the estimates by the Energy Bill Revolution, over 25,000 in the UK die of the cold every winter, and in Scotland one in three households are living in fuel poverty. More people than ever are struggling with high energy bills and individuals, couples and families often have to choose between heating and eating. We are facing an energy bill crisis, with millions of people struggling to heat their homes. Those who are on low incomes find it particularly difficult to cope and some people who worry about high fuel bills leave the heating off, resulting in cold homes which can have a negative impact on their health and the well-being of all family members. The Big Shettleston Sleepover is an organised event where participants are sponsored to camp out on a cold night in the community garden in Ardgay Street. The sleepover is a fun way of raising money to help local people to keep warm in winter. Nobody should have to choose whether to heat or eat. If you would like to get involved and show your support for the most vulnerable members of our community please join our campaign. Individuals, couples, families, groups of friends or workmate can do this by participating in the sleepover or if you are not able to take part, we welcome financial donations and donations in kind. We are also seeking corporate sponsorship from companies and organisation which are willing to help. For the campaign to succeed we rely on the goodwill, sponsorship and donations from our supporters. Every penny raised will go directly to the ‘Keep Warm in Winter' campaign. Why not get a few friends together and join us on Friday 20th March when you will make some new friends and help us raise some money for this worthwhile cause.
Shettleston Community Growing Project Logo

Shettleston Community Growing Project

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