

Physical Challenge

£1.81k of £1k





Days left

I will be completing the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 7th April 2024, and have decided to raise money for the below charity.

Lads Need Dads was a charity very close to my Uncle Richards heart, and the charity have written a short piece on this below.

Dickie was a good friend of our Non-Exec Director Chris Morgan and lived in the same village as him locally (Alresford), where they would regularly see each other on dog walks and have a catch up.   Chris had known Dickie for over 20 years, having first played football with him locally when they both lived in Old Heath and then playing together at Monkwick Wanderers, Corecalona and for ‘Barely Athletic’. Dickie was not just Chris’s friend, he was also his manager too and made Chris his Captain and they enjoyed a great relationship, with Dickie acting as a mentor to Chris and helping him to become a better player and a better person.  Chris grew up without a father and looked up to Dickie and sought his advice regularly – Dickie also played this role for many more of his other players too though and was described by many as one of the nicest blokes ever, who always had time for others and led by example in life, for this people respected him and held him in high regard. It is people like Dickie who made the world a better place and we are humbled that we can play our part to carry his legacy forward.

Lads Need Dads CIC (''Helping boys with absent fathers be the best they can be.'') - Our Impact
Statistics show that young boys who have no appropriate male role model, can struggle as teenagers and are at a higher risk of low self-esteem, dropping out of education, engaging in anti-social behaviour, substance abuse and crime. The impact of the absent father on boys follows them into adulthood. These boys are at risk of growing into men who have problems with behaviour, emotional stability, relationships with significant others and even their own children. We exist to address this huge social issue.  


Lads Need Dads CIC

Elmstead Market | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring

Lads Need Dads CIC Logo

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