
Castle 2 Castle for Scarborough DAG

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

After a few weeks of volunteering and seeking personal help as I needed a little help and advise as I'm hard of hearing, I personally felt I could do a lot more than just help around the office. We went on a treat cycle ride with Scarborough Dag from Ravenscar to Hayburn Wyke on the wettest and windy day you could ever imagine, after a twelve year break from cycling naturally I was pleased to be back on the saddle after such a long break, so this lead me to be inspired, initially the play was to ride the Cleveland way, but after a lot of helpful advice went back to the drawing board and found a more cycle friendly route. Going from Durham Castle to Scarborough Castle making my way through some amazing scenery of the North Yorkshire countryside. This is not an event for the faint hearted, this is a very tiresome route. Anyone who wishes to join myself and the Scarborough Dag team on this event should contact the email or telephone number below. Tel. 01723 480029 Email. info@scarboroughdag.org.uk When contacting via email enter in subject "FAO Emma C2C" Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/C2CSDAG
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Scarborough Disability Action Group

Scarborough | Disability