Our Darwin Gray team will be running the Cardiff Half Marathon on 1st October 2023. We will be raising money for our charity of the year, Cardiff Foodbank, which provides emergency food and support to local people. Cardiff Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust, a wider foodbank network that works to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities across the UK. To find out more, go to Cardiff Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis. We would be very grateful for your sponsorship and support for our team and for Cardiff Foodbank. Thank you!
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
DG Runs for Cardiff Foodbank: Half Marathon 2023
Physical Challenge
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
£1.96k of £1.5k
Team Fundraisers
Our Darwin Gray team will be running the Cardiff Half Marathon on 1st October 2023. We will be raising money for our charity of the year, Cardiff Foodbank, which provides emergency food and support to local people. Cardiff Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust, a wider foodbank network that works to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities across the UK. To find out more, go to Cardiff Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis. We would be very grateful for your sponsorship and support for our team and for Cardiff Foodbank. Thank you!