a food donation. our team has created poster around the college to make students and staff aware of the event. we will be collecting money and the foods needed to donate.
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
Cavc L2 business administration food donations
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
£65 of £5
Team Fundraisers
a food donation. our team has created poster around the college to make students and staff aware of the event. we will be collecting money and the foods needed to donate.