
Cazza Runs 10K

Physical Challenge






Team Fundraisers

This year I am running the 10K event for Living it up. We have been completing the couch to 5K this year with the charity & its been great to support people on their running journey. 

A lot of us from run club and couch to 5k will be taking part & raising money for Living it up. Here is a little bit about what they do. 

Living It Up Events formed in 2009. Originally a community group, it became a Community Interest Company in 2016 and a Charity in 2022. Living It Up was initially set up to promote Mencap’s ’Stay Up Late’ national campaign. This campaign was to promote the rights of people with a learning disability to stay up late and have fun. ​Living It Up is run by Claire Crawford-Smith and Fizz Heseltine supported by an amazing team of trustees, one of whom is a member. We pride ourselves as being a user-led organisation and all our projects have advisory groups and committee meetings to enable our participants and members to make decisions about how things are run.​Living It Up now has 5 services currently for adults with learning disabilities and or autism: our original Living It Up Events service (holding bi-monthly discos), a Performing Arts Centre (providing daytime sessions four days a week), Gr8 Mates (for people looking for a friend or partner), Gig Buddies (a befriending service which provides trained volunteers to support participants to go out socially) and we also run a wheelchair accessible Community Centre. 

Thanks Cazza G xxx 
Living It Up Events CIC Logo

Living It Up Events CIC

Bedford | Disability

Charity aids adults with learning disabilities and/or autism in reducing isolation via events, arts, and befriending.