I am attempting to run/jog/slug my way to the finish line of a 5K. I chose to do this for myself, to make myself a work in progress, to feel healthy and feel great. Something extremely close to my heart is Huntington's Disease. This 5K will be a massive challenge to me and I want to link it with something that my family have and will be challenged by, alongside many others. I am asking that every person who is in a position to can sponsor me £1. All I need is 100 people to reach my target. These funds are a great help to families in need, however awareness is vital.
HD is a terminal brain disease with symptoms usually starting at mid adulthood causing a progressive loss of control over thoughts, feelings, behaviour, movement and communication until the person requires 24 hour care.There are over 150 families affected by HD in Northern Ireland. Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland's vision is for Huntington's Disease families to remain active, involved, connected, valued and supported and leading as independent and normal a life as possible.
£20 helps pay for the running costs of a support group £50 pays for a counsellor to provide group support sessions £100 helps pay for a befriending activity alleviating social isolation
Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland
Belfast | Disability
Belfast | Disability
Centra Run Together 5 & 10K, Ormeau Park, Belfast
Physical Challenge
Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland
Belfast | Disability
Belfast | Disability
Team Fundraisers
I am attempting to run/jog/slug my way to the finish line of a 5K. I chose to do this for myself, to make myself a work in progress, to feel healthy and feel great. Something extremely close to my heart is Huntington's Disease. This 5K will be a massive challenge to me and I want to link it with something that my family have and will be challenged by, alongside many others. I am asking that every person who is in a position to can sponsor me £1. All I need is 100 people to reach my target. These funds are a great help to families in need, however awareness is vital.
HD is a terminal brain disease with symptoms usually starting at mid adulthood causing a progressive loss of control over thoughts, feelings, behaviour, movement and communication until the person requires 24 hour care.There are over 150 families affected by HD in Northern Ireland. Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland's vision is for Huntington's Disease families to remain active, involved, connected, valued and supported and leading as independent and normal a life as possible.
£20 helps pay for the running costs of a support group £50 pays for a counsellor to provide group support sessions £100 helps pay for a befriending activity alleviating social isolation