Hello! My names Chloe Yeadon. I am currently at University in Bath studying an early years agree and diploma.
I have decided to run the Bath Half Marathon for the First Steps Charity. It provides three Sure Start Children's Centres to really help underprivileged children.
It is a brilliant charity that I have had the pleasure of working for for six weeks. I really enjoyed my time there and it was a memorable experience. First Steps provide childcare for babies up until 5 years of age aswell as family support. The money you donate will really help the staff working for these charities, the children who attend the centres and the families of these children.
The money we raise will go towards:
Firstly, equipment and trips out for all children.
Secondly, free meals for young children from qualifying families.
Lastly, an additional qualified early years practitioner to provide one to one support for young children with additional needs.
Here is a link to their website if you would like to have a look:
Any help would be greatly appreciated as it is for a great cause!