As many of you will know, over the last few years I've struggled a lot with depression. In November 2017, it finally got too bad for me to keep ignoring. A good day was one where I was out of bed by 1pm. I stopped going to lectures, resulting in me failing 4th year.
Today, I'm doing much better, but dragging myself out of that hole was challenging. One charity that was a huge help is The Blurt Foundation. They are dedicated to raising awareness of depression and supporting people with it. The sheer volume of resources they have is incredible, many of which I used to help myself get better.
So I've entered the Bristol 10k in May, and I'm doing it in aid of The Blurt Foundation. Despite my hobby of walking up mountains, I'm actually rather unfit. Running even 1k is a big ask right now, especially since it's generally cold and wet at this time of year. So if you could help give me a bit of motivation in the form of a donation, that would be much appreciated!