
Community Hub Groups




Team Fundraisers

 Southside provides weekly term-time After-School ‘Family Food’ and Community Hub Groups, including creative play activities, family and peer support. There will also be drop-in advice sessions and the Group provides a meal, cooked by our professional chef, for the parent/s and children to sit down together and eat with the whole group at the end of the session. 

Issues faced by families who attend may include a parent or carer with long-term mental health problems; substance abuse; domestic abuse; depression and self-harm; serious problems with education such as non-attendance or severe behaviour problems in school; victimised or harassed in their communities or struggling with cost-of-living pressures and debt. 

Food support continues to be a clear need, alongside connecting with peers, Southside staff/volunteers and other local services that can offer support to meet individual needs. Peer support is key, and families support each other on an equal basis based on shared experience. We have after school ‘Family Food’ Community Hub Groups in Writhlington, Foxhill and Keynsham. 

The groups are co-produced with service users, supported by experienced staff and volunteers, to ensure maximum accessibility and engagement. The groups enable all family members across generations to socialise, meet and support each other and engage in inspiring and creative activities. 

We need to raise £5,2250 each term to fund the venue hire and food supplies for the three weekly Community Hub Groups during 2024/25 
Southside Family Project Logo

Southside Family Project

Bath | Social Welfare

We believe in change... people, not problems.

What your gift could provide


supports food supplies for our Family Food Hub Groups


supports equipment for activities at our Family Food Hub Groups


would contribute to venue hire for warm community spaces for each Hub Group