
Keeping Well - Coronavirus Response




Team Fundraisers

At this time of year Escape Arts are usually busy with lots of different creative and community projects, now we are working in a very different way with a fantastic online creative programme and one-to-one telephone and direct delivery support. This includes wonderful online cookery demonstrations, wellbeing videos, mental health chat group and telephone support, Apprentice led 'make-it' sessions, biodiversity and nature projects, community arts, emerging talent programme.

Why they need our service

During this difficult time the Escape Team are working hard to provide continued support to our many participants both across Stratford District and Nuneaton but like all charities this is a time where we need that little extra help as funding has been suspended and income streams stopped. During these difficult days of 'lockdown' and fear we need to ensure we can protect and support those who are most at risk of isolation, loneliness, hardship, and mental ill-health.

Plan and expected results

Our Covid-19 Response places our beneficiaries at the heart of all developments, we need to ensure those who are most vulnerable and at risk of isolation and mental ill-health are supported through this difficult time. The diversity of our Keeping Well programme will help people stay connected, builds social support within their immediate community, provide coping strategies and wellbeing interventions and simply make people feel better. Our services are needed now more than ever.

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Escape Arts

Stratford Upon Avon | Health & Wellbeing