2 x 10 week courses, 1 day per week, using the medium of mosaic and ceramic merged with the 'Wellbeing Programme'.
Why they need our serviceThis unique course will encourage users of mental health services to integrate more into their local community and give them an experience of working with professional artists in an artist community. The course will give participants the opportunity to create high quality pieces of art work to exhibit to the wider public whilst providing tools to manage and improve their daily living experiences through the 'Happiness and Wellbeing Programme'.
Plan and expected resultsThe mosaic course is merged with a 'Teaching Wellbeing and Happiness Program' using mindfulness training and other exercises. We have used the teachings of Positive Psychology in order to write a 10 weeks programme that runs alongside the Mosaic course. The creation of mosaic is the platform for a number of experiences and exercises that will teach the participants that wellbeing and happiness can be cultivated by identifying and using many strengths and traits that they already possess.
Lambeth | Arts, Culture & Heritage
Lambeth | Arts, Culture & Heritage
Connect/Create/Change +Sustain We use arts and creativity as a catalyst for change.
would provide a pair of clippers and goggles
would enable us to create project diaries for participants
would cover running costs of a kiln