
Day Trips and Social Events






Team Fundraisers

Although we often get out and about locally (pub lunches, bowling etc) it is much more difficult to get transport to take large groups on day trips. Also, costs are high. When we do so, we need to hire a large wheelchair accessible coach. Trips include going to the theatre, seaside, zoo, art galleries and museums. The large coach has a tail lift and capacity to take 5 fixed wheelchairs and 38 others, including other members in wheelchairs that transfer in to a seat.

Why they need our service

DRUM is a non-profit and user-led organisation, run by a management committee made up of disabled members, carers and volunteers, supported by a small team of part time staff. As the majority of our board, some staff and voluntary positions are held by people who have disabilities or personal experience in caring, it ensures that our services effectively meets the needs of the service users and the local community.

Plan and expected results

To provide low cost day trips and educational visits. Carers are able to join us on all outings. As most members had led very active lives, working hard and bringing up their families, a sudden disability can have a devastating effect on them and their families. Being able to get out and about again, meeting up with friends and socialising can help members regain independance and increase confidence.

DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement) Logo

DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement)

Watford | Disability

What your gift could provide


Hire of large wheelchair accessible coach and driver