
Debbie's Kilimanjaro Challenge

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I am climbing Kilimanjaro with William in September. We have funded the trip ourselves & want to raise money for local charities in order to encourage us in this huge physical & mental challenge! I have chosen C2C because the difference they make is amazing :) A little about their work: C2C are an independent Christian charity that support any individual at any stage of the Criminal Justice System by inspiring & motivating them to take personal responsibility for their behaviour in order to reduce re-offending. Services include prison visiting; mentoring; educating young people on the dangers of gang related crime; restorative justice; acting as 'Appropriate Adult' for young/vulnerable people in police custody; working with Northants Police to support beggars who would otherwise receive a financial punishment; partnering with Northants Probation to deliver community orders to local women as an alternative to prison. The Good Loaf is their newest project, a social enterprise providing direct training and employment to female offenders, it will open in 2015. I have seen the huge impact C2C's work has on individuals trapped in a life of crime - I met women in prison, serving sentences for minor crimes, who have only known abuse (physical, sexual & emotional) throughout their childhood and adult life, who live in grinding poverty and who (as a result of prison) have now had their children taken into care. They see hope restored by the regular visits and the practical support they receive on their release. With support they can discover new and positive life strategies - reducing debt, improving housing, building healthy relationships, breaking addictions, gaining new skills and rebuilding their lives. C2C provides all services free of charge to individuals regardless of their offence; regardless of their faith, or none; & regardless of age, ethnic or cultural background, gender, sexuality or disability. Pls help me reach my target! Thx so much x
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C2C Social Action

Northampton | Education & Training