
DRUMWORKS 2011/12 - The Orient Express






Team Fundraisers

This art project was based on China and the Far East and as usual DRUM members rose to the challenge magnificently and produced a huge variety of work within this theme. Working 'Chinese style' challenged many members normal artistic styles and many learnt new ways to be creative, working with their disabilities, such as creating exciting new forms of collage. The 'Oriental' theme also provided different ways for members to work on joint projects such as an enormous Chinese dragon.

Why they need our service

Art sessions are held four mornings a week and include painting, textiles, creative crafts and ceramics. Art is something that everyone can do and focuses more on ability than disability. The benefits of art therapy sessions are endless. Art allows our members to express themselves in a creative way, with few rules and demands. Art can relieve stress and is a huge self-esteem boost.

Plan and expected results

We encourage our members to work with their individual disabilities within the ongoing theme for the art sessions, which can be interpreted in the widest possible sense. A range of ideas is provided as a starting point and members soon find a subject that interests them personally within that theme and once they get started they realise their disability should not be a barrier.

DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement) Logo

DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement)

Watford | Disability

What your gift could provide


provides paint and brushes for art sessions


provides clay for a whole project


provides a 10 week art workshop