






Team Fundraisers

Inspired by the 2012 Olympic games, DRUM members were kept busy creating a wide variety of artwork to capture the excitement, competitiveness and spirit of this huge event. Determined not to use obvious subject matter such as athletes winning medals, members were encouraged to think about what sport means to them, their own experiences of participating in sporting events, their successes and failures and how they feel about it as disabled people.

Why they need our service

Determined not to use obvious subject matter such as athletes winning medals DRUM members were encouraged to think about what sport meant to them, their own experiences of participating in sporting events, their successes and failures and how they feel about it as disabled people. As usual, DRUM members eventually found their own way of expressing themselves and become more and more enthusiastic, producing a range of work to rival many professional artists.

Plan and expected results

DRUM encourages members to work with their individual disabilities within an ongoing theme for the art session, which can be interpreted in the widest possible sense. The idea of having a set theme encourages members to learn about different cultures as well as explore and express their own approach to life, especially in light of their disabilities. A range of ideas are provided as a starting point and members soon find a subject that interests them personally within that theme.

DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement) Logo

DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement)

Watford | Disability

What your gift could provide


provides brushes and paint for art sessions


provides clay for a whole art project


provides a ten week art workshop