Our names are Dylan and Kai and we love running, but this time we want to do it for a good reason.
We've decided to raise money for Stripey Stork. We've heard lots about the charity, including someone from Run Reigate coming to talk to our assembly and we got to meet the famous cuddly Stripey. Our parents are always telling us how lucky we are, and after hearing that some children hardly have anything of their own, it's made us realise that we are actually very lucky indeed! But, also that we'd like to help! Please sponsor us so that we can do this, we promise we'll run our hardest.
We often go running with mum and dad and it's become a normal activity in our house, which is great and it's even encouraged me (Dylan) to join a running club. For Run Reigate on the 16th September, we'll be running 1.1 miles as fast as our stork legs can carry us, so please cheer us on, we'll be wearing orange caps along with our other stork friends.