Thanks to everyone who sponsored me. I got to 13.5 hours and almost fell off the machine. Hats off to the Frenchman.
"Ed Condry aims to break a world rowing record.
When this project started the record for continuous rowing stood at just under 17 hours. A French man has just pushed it out to 24 hours!! So now Ed will be starting at 6.00am on Friday 20th November. The lovely people at Warminster's People and Places gym have offered to stay overnight to keep him company until 6.00am on the 21st. Champagne and Ramsbury Ales (what else?) will be opened if he makes it!
Ed is raising money for the Wiltshire Community Foundation’s “Surviving Winter” campaign which is to help elderly people with their fuel bills. See their website at .Every Winter around 200 Wiltshire People die of cold and hundreds more struggle to survive. According to statistics over 30,000 Wiltshire Households live in fuel poverty, spending more than 10% of their annual income on heating alone.
He will be rowing on a Concept2 rowing machine, which is the international standard, used by Olympic and World oarsmen and women for training. Records are held by some of the top names in the sport. Ed has himself been in the British national and world championships on the Concept2. Ed has also rowed the English Channel, as well as the full length of the Thames twice.
For the longest continual row records see
The Rt Revd Dr Ed Condry is the Bishop of Ramsbury and is a member of the People and Places gym in Warminster and trains there regularly.
Many many thanks."