
10k for Babbasa (and other stuff)

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

A group of the Babbasa team were all hoping to run the Bristol 10K to raise money for our work with young people, but sadly, it was called off! 

I'm going to run the event from home, and it's a bit last minute, but hopefully, you guys can help me to raise a bit of money to help support the cause.

I'm also going to do some random other challenges and fun things to raise money, just to make this a bit more of a long and fun process.

Babbasa offers free support to young people with finding their dream career. They help to promote equal opportunity in Bristol by working with young people from underrepresented communities in inner-city Bristol. 

Right now, 74% of young people that we work with are experiencing anxieties because of lockdown, and we are making sure that we can support young people during and after lockdown.

A donation will go towards making sure that we can keep our frontline caseworkers working throughout the lockdown so that no young people are left behind. 
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Bristol | Education & Training

Babbasa supports underrepresented young people to achieve their aspirations, and employers to create inclusive workplaces and recruit diverse talent.