I've got a team together to raise money to support our work at Cardiff Foodbank - so it seemed rude not to do it myself! The furthest I've ever run recently is 10k, so I've got some serious training to do.😨
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
Emma Plods the Cardiff Half
Physical Challenge
Cardiff Foodbank
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.
£441 of £250
Team Fundraisers
I've got a team together to raise money to support our work at Cardiff Foodbank - so it seemed rude not to do it myself! The furthest I've ever run recently is 10k, so I've got some serious training to do.😨