

Physical Challenge

£5.94k of £10k





Days left

Keystone is a worthwhile charity helping homeless families. My son, Sean Boyce, and I chose this charity because they are so passionate about what they do and in the current climate, as, I’m sure, you will agree is particular difficult at the moment. We have worked together for 10 years in our property business and decided now was a good time to give something back. Unfortunately Sean has had a serious injury and will not be able to attend the trek. Mandy Pearson, a friend of mine has, amazingly, stepped into the breach, so, the two of us, both in our 50's with various ailments will be trekking Everest. This will be a real challenge for us both, but we have to remember this is only for a short period of time. The families your donations go towards helping have had far worse challenges and for far longer. Please do give whatever you are able. It will be, very much, appreciated.   


Event Details


Lion Property Group UK Ltd, Mother and Son company. We are undertaking a 17 day trek to Everest Base Camp and back, raising funds for a charity who help house those struggling to house themselves. A worthy cause in the current climate. We both love a challenge. Jackie (Mum) has run several marathons to raise funds for various charities. Sean (Son) has trekked Snowdon to raise funds for charity. We've done Snowdon, Scarfell Pike and hope to tackle Ben Nevis in the Yew Year as training treks. We work well as a team and thought Everest was the next appropriate challenge. Helping people is close to our hearts as anyones circumstances can change in a second. We hope you feel the same and will grace us with your donations.

Keystone Foundation

Tamworth | Housing / Homelessness

Keystone Foundation Logo

£0 raised from 1 page

Charity Walk Snowdon with Prosperity Network

£0 raised since April 2022