
Family Holiday Fun






Team Fundraisers

This service runs family activities during each school holiday, giving children something creative and active to do together with their parents or carers. We've teamed up with Fair Frome to offer a free healthy meal after each activity. Each session is very low cost (£1 per child) and includes activities such as crafts, sports, gardening and cookery. Support workers are on hand to give advice and help to families and sensory toys ensure each session is as accessible as possible. Our activities are open to families who are referred to us from other organisations and families with additional needs and disabilities (who can self refer).

Why they need our service

Family Holiday Fun runs family support activities during school holidays. There are several families in Frome who face daily challenges, often associated with low income. These increase during school holidays, when they struggle to find positive, affordable things to do with their children. Children can end up with little stimulation or supervision, reliant on screens for company and entertainment. Families on benefits also miss out on nourishing meals when the schools are closed in the holidays. In the current climate families are really struggling to find positive things to do with their children which are properly affordable.

Plan and expected results

We aim to reach as many disadvantaged families as possible, to help support them over the holiday periods. On average we see around 20 children at each session, around 75% of which will be from families on benefits and 30% will have additional needs. Rather than trying to accommodate more children, we would like to support more families who face challenging lives, helping them to find support within their local community and encouraging them to run their own activities with friends.

Purple Elephant Family Support CIO Logo

Purple Elephant Family Support CIO

Frome | Social Welfare

Offering support and activities for families facing disadvantage, including early years support, holiday activities, befriending and the Children's Festival.

What your gift could provide


pays for a healthy meal for one person


pays for craft resources for an activity session


pays for 2 experienced support workers

£506.08 raised from 1 page

Zoe’s BathHalf for the Frome Community!

£506.08 raised since July 2023