I have created this page to raise awareness and understanding for adults with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).I have close friends and family members who were diagnosed with ADHD. As someone living with ADHDers I know how day-to-day life can be difficult and challenging for them and also for family and friends.
For people with ADHD, the responsibilities of adulthood can be so difficult. ADHD is a sly condition that can secretly affect people for years without their knowledge. ADHD that is undiagnosed and untreated can cause problems in almost every area of adult life (career difficulties, physical and mental health problems, love and family relationships). Adults with ADHD may feel like they will never be able to get their life under control. However with a proper ADHD diagnosis and treatment, they can learn to manage their life and their ADHD.
Fastminds is a group of people who are dedicating their time and aim to improve the quality of life of adults struggling with ADHD by offering support, advice and understanding. They provide help and guidance for those who believe they may have this condition and wish to obtain a medical diagnosis. Fastminds run a weekly Thursday morning support group and a monthly evening support group at Kingston Quaker Centre.
Your support would enable Fastminds to provide tailored ADHD therapies which are not available currently on the NHS e.g. CBT, DBT, ADHD coaching and talking therapies. Currently Fastminds have a trained Psychotherapist who comes in fortnightly but this only helps one or two people per visit and your support can help to provide more therapy sessions for those who can’t afford private therapy.
Money provided will also help Fastminds to go into the community and raise awareness of the challenges of ADHD.
Great news is that local giving will match your one time donation by up to £10 and your direct debits by up to £10 a month for first three months between 18October2016 until 17November2016.