
F+G & Atkins Wales Reverse Advent Calendar 2022

£133 of £100





Team Fundraisers

Cardiff Foodbank are running a Reverse Advent Calendar in the lead up to Christmas. Faithful + Gould and Atkins' Cardiff office are taking part, donating a food item or a couple of pounds each day for 25 days. On the 30th November a handful of our staff will deliver the donations and spend the day volunteering with Cardiff Foodbank. 
Monetary donations can be made via this link or cash can be given to Ellen in the office. Food donations are being collected on top of the lockers near the kitchen in the office.
If you can, please consider donating to help those in need. 
Cardiff Foodbank Logo

Cardiff Foodbank

Cardiff | Social Welfare

Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.