I am going to drive a pony and carriage BLINDFOLDED through a cones course!!!! My aim is to drive the course without knocking any balls down!!!
Why am I doing such a crazy thing? I'm hoping to raise as much money as I can to help the charity Sports Driving Unlimited carry on funding lessons and group sessions for disabled or disadvantaged children and adults. I really believe in the work that they do with their ponies, and want to help them bring those opportunities to more and more people. My belief comes from personal experience....I've watched my children (who are on the spectrum) start to engage and connect with the wider world around them, blossoming into two fabulously affectionate children, who can communicate their needs and thoughts very clearly. These are skills that us neurotypicals take for granted, but are very challenging to ASD children. The world is not such a scary place for my kids now and I need your help to give other people that opportunity.
I am really grateful that you took the time to read my story, and I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for whatever you can donate.
Thanks to Chariots of Fire for letting me photograph the very handsome Dash who I get tuition with